There are no proper payments given to the sales agents working for Crescent Processing Company and this issue has been presented for some time now. There had been insufficient salary balances given to workers or these payments were always been given late. Before believing this issue, we need to research on the proper agreement for both parties regarding salary issues and deals.
First of all, a sales agent of the company receives a laptop where it can be solely used for the job. This laptop is a necessity; it is where all the information that the sales agent needs out on the field is stored. For security reasons on the side of the company, sales agents are required to do a deposit of 0 for the laptop.
You may choose to pay up the whole 0 or you may pay it little by little. Among the available options for the payment of the deposit, comes the chance of sales deductions until you reach the amount of 0. Thus, each of the first 12 payments that the agent receives is less than the actual amount.
Some agents overlook this, and that’s why they are surprised when their first checks arrive with deductions. Another thing to know is that some agents would prefer not having the laptop. For security reasons, the sales agents should use the company's laptop so that there is a private deal and procedures of the transactions that are only between the company and the client.
Some agents also hate how Crescent Processing Company gives out checks when there should be an earlier date for submission. The payment is usually delivered late and not on the right schedule. These agents would often ask how and why the payments arrive late.
It is a given fact to ask why the company delays the due payments for the agents. What makes the company have late releasing of the dues that are supposed to be given to agents? This kind of issue should be considered properly along with all its factors.
When a sale is closed and dealt successfully, the agent gets to enjoy generous amounts of commissions. And so, agents would often expect the arrival of the commission a few days after the closed sale. There is never an automatic processing for the commissions earned by the agents and they usually don't know this fact.
It is important for sales agents to know the entire process of payments made, and so they are explained with this before being hired. Upon the closed sale, it is impossible for the company to directly process the checks for payments. Once the sales done by agents are final and merchants already activated their account, they can then have the right to demand for the processing of the payment.
Despite the agents' knowledge regarding the matter, agents would still fail to take note of the detail entailed for the deduction on laptop deposits. If the agents realize that checks are issued and given on a late schedule, they start to have second thoughts about the company. It should be noted, however, that processing of agents’ commissions upon the date of the merchant’s activation is standard operating procedure for the company; thus, the “delays” are really not delays.
Through the right study and research on the operation factors applied by the company, we can finally realize that the basis for complaints brought to the company is actually shallow and untrue. Others seem to judge the company without knowing the side of the company. Knowing the process of the company and their rules will enable agents to understand how they truly work.
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